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Root Riot
Root Riot - 100 Stk Made from composted organic materials, these new cubes have a great spongy texture which retains the perfect air/water ratio for healthy, rapid root growth.
Suitable for both cuttings and seeds, Root Riot consistently outperforms alternative media.
The cubes are specially inoculated with micro nutrients to nourish the young plants, and also beneficial rooting fungi to aid root development.
The new organic propagation medium for soil and hydroponicsSimple to use. Faster, more vigorous rooting.
Clean and dust free. Reliable results.
Organic and fully biodegradable.
Root Riot - 24 Stk
Root Riots sind schwammartige Aufzuchtsblöcke in denen die Aufzucht von Samen und Stecklängen kein Problem ist.
Die einzigartige Beschaffenheit der Root Riots garantiert eine optimale Sauerstoffversorgung und extrem schnelles Wurzelwachstum.
Fürdie besten Resultate mit Stecklängen, zusammen mit Clonex verwenden.